Some Hotel Rooms
In September and October of 2018, I cycled solo cross-country from Philadelphia, where I was living at the time, to Marfa, TX, where one of my friends lived. That friend had invited me to visit and I decided to bike, though I had never done anything like that before. Honestly, the only real experience I had with cycling was in the spin classes I had taken. I researched what I would need, what route I would take, and so on. I bought a bike (Surly Longhaul) and bought other supplies, and set out. The entire trip took me 32 days, and I covered roughly 2300 miles.
Not everything went smoothly, but I loved it even when I had grueling days and terrible weather. To this day, this remains the very best thing that I could ever have done for my mental health. Along the way, I photographed the hotel rooms I stayed in. These paintings are the result. The paintings are done quickly, with each painting taking a few hours to complete.
All paintings are from 2023-2024, 11" x 14, acrylic on wood panel.
Click on the images below for additional information.